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DHF approve Incorporation of 1 day Automatic gate safety certification within Gate Installer Diploma syllabus.

Candidates completing HSL training’s Gate Installer Diploma course, will now also be awarded the Door & Hardware Federation, 1 day Automated Gate Safety Certificate. Jonathan Aldred, director of HSL training, said “the cooperation of the DHF, within the GID course framework, means our candidates will not only benefit from the practical skills covered during our… Continue reading DHF approve Incorporation of 1 day Automatic gate safety certification within Gate Installer Diploma syllabus.

Powered gates and the newly amended BS EN 13241

It is vital to ensure that new powered gates are safe and the best way to do this is to design, manufacture and install them in compliance with current standards, regulations and guidance. The latest development in this field is an amendment to BS EN 13241 (Industrial, commercial, garage doors and gates. Product standard, performance… Continue reading Powered gates and the newly amended BS EN 13241