01283 777 023

Welding Dave Durnall

The aim of the 1 day training course is to provide new and existing welders with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to produce welded joints.

Upcoming Dates

There are no upcoming dates, Call to find out more or to make an exclusive booking. Exclusive bookings must have  a minimum of 4 delegates per course

What is covered:

Underpinning Knowledge

  • Welding Health & Safety – Hazards and Precautions
  • Welding Consumables – Identifying and selecting the correct electrodes and their application
  • Welding Terminology – Identifying the components of the welded joint, joint types, positions and set-up
  • Welding Defects – Identifying welding defects and their cause
  • Welding Principles – Setting up the welding equipment, selecting the correct parameters for welding and understanding the capabilities and characteristics of the welding set

Practical Skills

  • Basic Welding techniques – Correct torch/electrode manipulation
  • Producing Welded Joints – Producing fillet welds in basic positions (experienced welders produce fillet welds “out of” position
  • Assessment – Produce fillet welded joint in accordance with BS4872:1:1982

Candidates will receive either a Class 2 welder coding1 or a welding competence certificate.



1  Class 2 welder coding (BS4872) is issued providing the candidate submits a welded joint that meets the criteria laid out within the British Standard.  All coding certificates are valid for a period of 6 months and will require renewing in accordance with the terms of the relevant sstandard